EzyGig | Find Gigs in your area

What's On In Your Area? Click A Star To Find Out!

What's On...

Each star on the map is a venue with gigs. Start off in your area with gigs in the next two weeks.

Click or tap a star for more details.

Or use our EZY search:

Search Button

- a location, postcode or venue.
- a genre or a band, type in anything.
- put in from and to dates.

Have you ever spent hours trying to organise a weekend away? Or a night out with friends?

You may know what you want to see, and when you want to go, but you are missing out on some very good local entertainment simply because you don’t know when or where it is.

With Ezygig you get:

  • Very clear search results informing you exactly what entertainment is available to you.

  • An online platform for Pubs, Clubs, Artists, Bands and Entertainers to showcase their entertainment and so help fill venues.

The website is free for you to browse and free for venues and artists to showcase their upcoming gigs; premium memberships are also available which offer more to both artists and venues who sign up.

If you are an artist or have a venue, take a look below....

For Venues...

Venues - have you got an event or upcoming gigs?

It's really easy to set them up on Ezygig.

You get a profile page where you can showcase your venue and advertise your gigs.

Quiz night every Tuesday? - set them all up at once. Up to a year in advance.

Every third Thursday in the month? Just as easy.

Looking for a band? With our booking system you can find out who's available and what they are going to cost.

Just sign up for free!

For Artists...

Artists - Have you got an event or upcoming gigs?

It's really easy to set them up on Ezygig.

You get a profile page to showcase your entertainment and advertise your gigs.

Playing at the Golden Lion every Friday? - set them all up at once. Up to a year in advance. Every last Friday in the month? Just as easy.

Set up your diary on Ezygig and let venues know when you are available. With our booking system you can set up prices and distances that you are willing to work.

Just sign up for free!

For Venues and Artists...

AND Anybody who wants to make some CASH!!!

Become an Ezygig Affiliate.

Just join up, download your creatives and off you go... .

Put your creatives on your blog or website or somewhere you advertise to people you think would be interested in signing up for an Ezygig membership.

Once they've signed up and paid, you get your commission!

10% commission rates, repeatable for recurring payments

Sign up for FREE and get started!

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